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Women of the Wild 2021

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July 2021

Coraline, woman of the wild, is created with a combination of pastels and acrylics. Coraline represents the fragility of a woman the moment she realises that something is wrong.

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July 2021

Mora, woman of the wild, is created with a combination of pastels and acrylics. Mora represents the serenity a woman feels the moment she realises she moves on.

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July 2021

Mora, woman of the wild is the third woman of the wild who is created with a mixture of pastels and acrylics. Sofia represents the feeling of anger about inequality

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Art: Work
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June 2021

Fame is two piece art composition created with a mixture of pastels and acrylics. Fame represents the grab to success, the David- like male figure represents the high standard an artist needs to reach in order grab fame, the red apple represents the forbidden fruit of success.

Art: Latest Work


May 2021

One thing the artist loves the most is the use of colours,

especially the colours many

artists are afraid to use.

By using contrast colours, the artist managed to create

a sort of neon effect without using actually neon colours.

Each piece of work is a rainbow of emotions








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Art: Latest Work


April 2021

WomanSoul is an art piece created by Vika L. Coppens.
To create this semi-final piece, the artist used a variation
of pastel, pencil and acrylics.
The piece represents the fight women as a species have to go through. There is a general flow throughout the entire piece and has been praised for its beautiful blending and vibrant colour use.

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